Thursday, November 3, 2011
BWA Cornwall and Monday session
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Busy last few months of the water
The last few months have been lacking in windsurfing for me. After dislocating the top of my leg form the knee joint in Pozo, damaging there out of 4 ligaments in the knee I have been very busy couple of months physiotherapy! Thankfully the knee has recovered well, only needing one of the ligaments replacing, the ACL.
I am now recovering for the operation. This involved taking a couple of my hamstring ligaments to replace my ACL ligament and clean out some loose cartilage for the original damage. Recovery is going well, I am hoping it won't be the full 6 to 9months off games predicted after the operation!
The length of time before the operation has provided the opportunity to work on my company, Turfdog. A new prototyping workshop has lead to a new range of boards, coming out later this year. We have even been producing some custom boards at the request of the heaver users. These have reinforced tucks, carbon stringers and larger back wheels and trucks. See pics.
The longer wheel base also provides better high speed control and a smoother gybe. Combined with a dropped stance (lowered deck), giving a smoother feel.
We also with be shortly releasing some new equipment for other sports. Hopefully see you back on the water soon.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Pozo 2011, a short trip
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
New sails
Monday, May 2, 2011
Bank Holiday

After sailing for the last 5 days in row I am knackered, but ready for my trip up to Rossi and Ireland for the first of the BWA wave events. Hope the weather's as good for those trips.

Photos by Kate Hartley.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Hayling Freestyle event
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Thursday started with an average Marazion session, with the wind dropping off at the end. Not so pleased withhaving driven down, the pub overlooking the bluff near Gwithinan was the next best thing. I watched a few guys go out but the sets didn't seem to be forming right. As the evening progressed the sets started to clean up, leading to a light but really nice little evening session.

Aerial during my evening session at the bluff.
Taken by Scott Perry
Friday was good Gwithian session. I sailed from 10 until 8 then driving back to the student nationals at Calshot, to demo turfdogs. At both gwithian and the student nationals it was good to see loads of familiar faces with a good crowd at both places. I did discovered I defiantly am not a student anymore, really struggling with a hangover on the Sunday. Made even more pleasant by seeing the pics form the Saturday night of me in my rubbish my fancy dress!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011
End of my South Africa trip
I had a really good first trip to South Africa and am defiantly coming back. There was good wind for most of the month and plenty to do if the wind was light.
On my way up table mountain with lions head in the background.
One of my favourite parts was testing the new F2 sails which were really light, responsive and powerful. Can wait to get mine at the end of the month.
I also did some cage diving with white sharks. Sadly no pics of sharks as my go pro was lost surfing!!! I was not to scared until Scotty, floating in the cage next me grabbed my leg in a pincer action, scaring the S##t out of me much to the amusement of everyone else in the cage and on the boat!!!
Me, Scotty and Ian Gibson In the shark diving cage.
I was also really impressed with the number of different spots you could sail, with my favourite parts of the visit being couple road trips up and down the coast.
On one trip to elands bay, a few hours north of north of Capetown. We managed to get a bit of surfing for the first day and a half, before windsurfing in the afternoon of the second day. We decided hide are windsurfing kit in the rented house, as local surfers do not like windsurfer one bit. It not being uncommon for windsurfers to have a couple of tyres slashed by the local surfers
Getting up early 5.30 to surf on are final day before the wind kicked in. Me and Ben checked the surf to find the swell had come though in the night. Several gnarly looking older surfers came up to us to have a chat, saying how pissed off they were with the windsurfers at the break the previous day. We kept well quite but on walking back notice the guys were in the house next to us. There were a lot of dodgy stairs as we loaded up are windsurf kit onto the cars. Probably best to get back to cape town rather going to surf farmers (a spot which worked in small swell) and leaving are kit pretty much a big sign. Slash are tyres please!!
I was also luck enough to finish off my last day at cape point. With some nice wave riding just in time to rush back with and put my very wet overweight kit in the plane, thanks for letting it on Virgin!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
South Africa and Turfdog video