It been a pretty good bank holiday weekend on the east coast, sailing Friday to Monday, with sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. Very strange UK weather? Managed to find some good waves up at Walberswick near my house, an added bonus of a short drive un-like my usual treks to the southcoast or Cornwall.
I also got to sail a new spot which I have been wanting to sail for ages, Bawdsey. It was really good with much bigger waves than the other spots near me. I have been a bit hesitant to sail it because of all the second world war debris, pillboxes and rather large metal spikes hidden by the lovely brown east coast water! No problems though.

Picture of Bawdsey on a lighter day
You can seee what I mean on this blog.
After sailing for the last 5 days in row I am knackered, but ready for my trip up to Rossi and Ireland for the first of the BWA wave events. Hope the weather's as good for those trips.

More Pics of Bawdsey
Photos by Kate Hartley.
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