Friday, November 26, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Unexpected Highcliff with new boards
On are way form Southampton we had a phone call for m Ollie woodcock, already at Kimmerage. To are disappointment it was still bolt on shore SW and hand not swung as predicted. We decide to make the best of the situation, swing off the A35 and head to Avon beach get a bit of side shore jumping riding.
Avon it was pretty windy. We quickly rigged up are 3.7s and headed out. This was not one of my favourite sessions as after about 5mimuntes the wind backed off, swing a little west offshore. This lefty me with a nice swim back to the beach, A little annoyed to say the least!
Not to hopeful of a decent session we decide head towards Highcilff. On leaving Avon we swung past spot on water. Mark being the importer of F2 was waiting for the new shipment of boards. Seeing lots of cardboard boxes outside I was pretty excited, having been waiting for my 2011 quad and freestyle board.
New F2 Barracuda 2011 quad

2011 Rave twin fin
and Rodeo freestyle board
A little more enthused about the sport, after some quick photos we headed to Highcliff. We weren’t expecting much, however to are surprise it was one of the best south coast sessions for a long time. With the wind shifting from side to side off and logo high. My new F2 Barracuda quad was as good as it looked. It surprised me how much the quad complimented my wave riding with its control and speed and drive though turns. I had some much fun I could no leave the water until it was dark. I then followed up with a half an hour constant chat about my new board was until S J told me to "SHUT THE **** UP."

Testing the quad
Sunday, November 7, 2010
End of the year